The bridge between developers and musicians

Cutting Edge Pluralism
The Plug-In Store houses the building blocks of the MOD Ecosystem. An ever-growing library comprised of a surprising range of processing effects, midi utilities, virtual instruments, and CV tools. Available to download effortlessly. Users have access to a wide offer of third-party innovations from the vibrant creative coder scene forming a huge pluralism of plug in’s. Commercial products from industry leaders are added frequently. The platform is open to developments from multiple sources and supports independent programmers for a dynamic and exciting community. With MOD maintaining quality control, the musical ideas and techniques available are unlimited.

Plugins for all uses
Plugins are the building block to inspiration and discovery within the MOD Ecosystem. All of the familiar tools within the audio processing domain are present and available in a versatile and adaptive format for any kind of musical use. This foundation is enhanced with forward-thinking midi utilities and multilayered CV modules that bring added depth and intricacy to your program patches. Assemble mind-boggling combinations of audio, midi note, and even control voltage combinations to your connected hardware or stay in standalone mode with next-level internal patching. Easily integrated and updated to your needs.

Professional developers
Drawing from a pool of the industry’s brightest independent audio software creators, MOD’s array of premium plug-ins are available for purchase in the plug-in store. Specialized developments bring forward the MOD sound palette with luxurious reverbs with IR ready algorithms, true to life cabinet and amp simulators, cutting edge loopers, brilliant expressive sounding synths, and transparent mastering tools to name a few. The platform has become a laboratory expressing where smart audio processing is at present and is always surprising.

An active and thriving community
The bedrock of the MOD plugin community embraces an open platform giving a wide spectrum of developers the ability to contribute their unique developments into the mix. These form the stunning library of 300 plus plugins with more developers contributing regularly.

Make your own
MOD Devices are the perfect tool for those who use consumer coding platforms like MaxMSP, Faust or Juce. With rock-solid processing and OS stability, creative coders can load their own patches and assign control with little hassle and a lot of creative freedom.

Labs and promotions
MOD Labs is the intersection where new creations from third parties are fostered and incorporated into the system. Mod specialists develop and test all inclusions for smooth integration and quality assurance while maintaining a curated sense of usage. This is the lab for edge users.